Archive for birthers

Want Evidence “Birthers” – Here It Is

Posted in obama with tags , , , on July 26, 2009 by crysdawn

Lou Dobbs is an idiot. The citizens of Delaware are idiots, at least a few good dozen of them. And, shocker, Rush Limbaugh is an idiot. The conspiracy surrounding the birth place of President Obama is the most ludicrous weapon in the arsenal of the ignorant, the detached, the “I’ll do anything to get that socialist demon out of office.”

Why are we even still talking about this? How much more evidence is needed to prove that President Obama is a legal citizen of the United States than the fact that the Supreme Court allowed him to become president? Are they in on the conspiracy too? Need I remind you that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is a conservative who was appointed by George W. Bush. What could possibly motivate him to lie?

If the Supreme Court’s clearance isn’t enough here’s the proof that the “birther” morons keep crying for. BTW birther’s it’s easy to find if you actually look for it. A copy of Obama’s birth certificate can be found on his website and all over the Internet.

If this really is a mass conspiracy, it reaches many branches of government – from the state of Hawaii to the Supreme Court. It would involve people of different ideologies, with different political goals, different political ties and people who did not support Barack Obama for president. Yet birthers really think they lied about his origin of birth?

I am as sure of his citizenship as I am that “birthers” are complete morons, or worse delusional, non-partiotic naysayers who just love the Bush era of America so much they’re willing to sacrifice the country to get that type of leadership back. These are the same people that don’t understand how the common man (the birthers themselves) were screwed by their beloved Bush.

Here’s a hint for you all – Obama has already done more in 6 months to protect the people of America than Bush did in 8 years. For that fact alone his birth place shouldn’t matter bit. Not to mention OBAMA’S MOTHER IS A U.S. CITIZEN!

Want more proof he’s a U.S. citizen birthers? His birth was also noted in 2 Honolulu newspapers.

You really need no more proof than this video from CNN’s Rick Sanchez.

I know how it feels to have a president you don’t like. I spent eight years wishing George W. would screw up enough that we could impeach his ass and get him out of office. But, at least we used valid reasons to attack the man. Instead of playing up this ludicrous theory, you should be focusing on things like his healthcare policies, or his bailout efforts.

Good luck finding fault in Obama’s policy making compared to his predecessor.